Despite all the very rude bomb cyclones around the US, spring break is still upon us!
Whether you’re flying to Miami, hiking Mt. Hood or finally going to that festival you’ve been dreaming about, we’ve got some fun packing tips to inspire all of your upcoming vacations.
If You’re Going To The Beach:
You’ve made an excellent choice. Having a tropical vacation is one of the only things in life that doesn’t let you down. No IG filter can capture the true bliss of sitting next to warm sand, with a killer marg while you listen to the peaceful rhythm of the ocean. Beach vacays are also IMO the best way to make all of your friends jealous / serve as shameless thirst traps for that boy who LIT ER ALLY needs to get his sh*t together and start noticing you more often (!!!!!!!!!!!!). Obviously take a cute suit, hat and sunnies—and maybe a v personalized beach towel too (again, do it for the ‘gram). Also, our carry-all pouches are perfect for all of the things you want with you all day, but don’t want to get immediately sandy. Zip it up and you won’t have to dust it off. Oh and of course, don’t forget that fun book you’ve been meaning to read and a notebook so that you can stare into the sea and write down all of your ESSENTIAL thoughts on the cast of Riverdale.

If You’re Going Home:
COOL so while everyone else in your dorm is going to Cabo, you’re going to 1577 Clearview Ln. because your little sister is co-starting in a Middle School production of Annie Get Your Gun which will be VERY bad, but you will be secretly very proud and a little weepy and nostalgic. And also, you’ve decided to bless this weekend in the name of self-care and really lean into scrolling through tumblr and making lists of all of the movies that (still!) make you cry. And even though you live and die for your fam, subtly side-eye their protective influence with the NO and boob artwork. You are an independent, feminist, nasty woman, but you also want your your mom to make you a grilled cheese.

If You’re Going Camping:
Than you do you, because that life seems HARD. But, I guess it’s also deeply moving and remarkably beautiful and connects you to a greater sense of purpose in the universe OR WHATEVER. Start with a backpack—if you’re going actual backpacking then I’m sure your rig will be a bit more complex, but if you’re just doing some light camping, our backpacks are perf. Throw in some carry-all pouches for all the little things you don’t want rattling around, a travel mug for the coffee (and/or whiskey) you will 1000% need and a hoodie for when a sunny afternoon turns sour.

If You’re Going To A Festival:
You need to pack like a pro for this wild trip. Time is of the essence, you’ve got to prioritize and plan out who you want to see and where they’re performing and you also have to make sure you have enough room for individual wine cups in a stack. THIS IS NOT A TIME TO BE COOL. Embrace being basic and drink all the wines, wear all the glitter and scream your heart out for Chance The Rapper. A backpack is a great way to keep all of your (literal, not metaphorical) shit together and obviously carry-all pouches will be your makeup touch-up heroes. Pack a wall tapestry to use as a make-shift blanket, they’re lightweight, super colorful and you can easily toss it into the wash once you get back from living your truth.

Photos by Angela Lewis
Styling by Jess Albano