Hi Everyone!
The Society6 team is extremely proud to announce a major update to our site search! You may have gotten a sneak peak of the changes in the past few weeks while they were in testing, but today we are excited to share that this new version of search is now live to all customers!
What’s new?
Our search is getting smarter!
- We’ve tinkered with our search algorithms to heavily incorporate tags and improve the relevancy of results.
- Product types are now understood by search (e.g. the term “astronaut tapestries” will take you to a tapestries listing page filled with amazing astronaut art).
- Searching by artist name has vastly improved! By default, we will search for products, but click over to the “People” tab to search for S6 artists and members.
On the surface, we’ve added a toolbar that displays a product type selector, sorting options, and popular tags that will help customers filter their search results and find exactly what they are looking for.
Note to Artists: Read our post on How to Get Found in Search to make the most of these changes.

Search: "astronaut tapestries"

Search: "Henn Kim"
The vast library of products we play host to is something we are extremely proud of, but with millions of pieces of art on the site and thousands more pouring in everyday, we are faced with the ever growing challenge of how to help customers find your products. These improvements are the first of many that will make it easier for customers to find all of the unique artwork and products that live on Society6.
As usual, post your comments and questions below!
Cover artwork: Nocturnal by Mark Conian