Simply stated, Now On View celebrates and showcases the artists of Society6 and their work. Get to know them—and then get lost in their gallery.
Let’s start by introducing yourself…
Hi there! My name is Anna Krestiannykova, I’m an illustrator and a lettering artist. I never attended an art school, although I have a degree in finance. But as soon as I graduated, I realized that I don’t want to pursue a career in finance so I remembered my childhood dream and started to draw. I had a little experience with acrylic paint and pencil which helped me to get started with illustration. Very soon my interest in calligraphy and illustration developed into a strong passion for lettering, and that’s where I am right now.
Current city: Fremont, California.
What’s your process?
All my works are digital, I’m not a big fan of analog drawing because I’m not really good at keeping my art supplies neatly organized. So I mostly draw in Procreate and then use Photoshop to play with the colors of the final artwork. I’m also familiar with Adobe Illustrator and sometimes use it to draw vector graphics.
I use Procreate from start to finish. First, I write down a quote that I want to draw, then I choose the words to emphasize, and start creating a lettering layout. The most important words usually take more space and carry more weight than the rest of the quote, so I build the composition accordingly. From there I jump to more detailed sketching: I try different fonts, I add some details here and there, even change the composition a little bit, if it feels right. When I’m happy with the sketch, I start inking which is the hardest but at the same time the most fun part of my creative process.
Where do you draw your inspiration from?
When I focus my attention on something, it instantly becomes a source of inspiration. My thoughts, my feelings, events happening around me – all those things make me want to share little messages in the form of hand lettered quotes.
What do people typically say about your work?
Usually they say that it’s beautiful, colorful and dynamic.
What is the best advice you’ve gotten as an artist or the most important thing you’ve learned?
I learned not to compete with others but rather compete with myself. When I compare myself to my favorite designers, it makes me think that I’m not good enough as an artist, and eventually self-doubt only slows me down. But when I compare my current artworks to what I drew a year ago, I see progress and it motivates me to draw more and keep on improving my skills. I think that it’s important to have the right perspective on your progress so you can set new goals more clearly and simply enjoy the creative process.
How can people find you?
