If you are not yet selling your work as products on Society6, please click here to learn more about getting started http://society6.com/help/selling
Here’s a quick checklist that you can reference when getting your products ready and working to generate healthier sales:
1. Learn about pricing and categorizing your work to sell http://society6.com/studio/blog/Prici…
2. Make sure you prepare your artwork files correctly, before making a Post. Placement of your files for T-shirts is key. Be sure to carefully check your previews and adjust the file if necessary. Also, please don’t add white borders to your prints, we do that for you when we print them. More on file preparation for prints here http://www.society6.com/help/prints and for t-shirts here http://society6.com/studio/blog/File_…
3. Link your Twitter account, so that your Society6 Posts automatically become updates on your Twitter account. Enable Twitter at http://www.society6.com/account/twitter
4. Link your Facebook page, so that your Society6 Posts automatically become updates on your Facebook feed. Enable Facebook at http://www.society6.com/account/facebook
5. Use your personalized display banner to easily display all of the products that you are selling on Society6 within your own site or blog. Grab your dynamic banner at http://www.society6.com/account/banner
6. Be sure to add the other products (t-shirts, iPhone Cases and more) to accompany each and round out your product mix. You are automatically prompted to do this with each new product post. You can go back and “Add T-shirts & more” by editing any previous product post.
7. Create a shop on your site. Many top selling members display their Society6 items on their own site and link to their store on Society6.
8. When you make a new product post, tell people about it. The best way to get your first sale is to notify the people already familiar with your work. Simply email the link to your Society6 Store, so that everyone knows your art prints, iPhone Cases, t-shirts and other products are now available for purchase!
We hope this is helpful! Please feel free to share your tips for selling too, right here in the comments.