Jill Kargman is cheeky chic. A New Yorker with a side of noir. A house-party hostess with a dark sense of humor.
Last year, the mother of three, New York Times bestselling author, SiriusXM radio show host, Society6 collection collaborator, and creator of Bravo’s Odd Mom Out (of which she also wrote, starred, and executive-produced) became a breast cancer survivor, too. As February marks our ‘Overcoming’ Month, we talk to the multi-talent about how she healed, the do’s and don’ts of social gatherings, and her zero-fucks-given life motto.
With Odd Mom Out, you landed on screen for the first time at the age of 40. Did you experience any voices of doubt or uncertainty during this time, and what did you do to silence them?
One of the cool things about being 40 is that you don’t give a shit, so I weirdly didn’t have any voices of doubt. I would have had a chorus of them in my twenties. I certainly know I never could have written it at any other age.
Last year, you opted for a preventative double mastectomy after genetic testing revealed a mutation that would have increased your risk of breast cancer. What were your essentials for recovering and healing?
It was no picnic, but I actually am doing fine thanks to my amazing friends and family. My mom came and made me lunch while we watched movies like The Thomas Crown Affair, and I also had a Tits Fairy who went through the same thing and emailed me a list of all the stuff she needed to get through, like the right pillows, bras, blogs, etc.
What did you learn about yourself during and after that experience?
That I’m pretty adaptive and that I could deal with whatever was thrown at me. I also learned that I despise opioids and am surprised America is obsessed [with them] because you don’t poo! It was horrible.

Discussions about breast cancer can additionally suffer from cultural and sexual taboos. What do you hope to achieve by sharing your story publicly?
I’m lucky because a lot of women felt like their sexual identity was somehow wrapped up in their boobs. Like, I’ve had friends who’ve named them The Girls or The Twins, and I’ve never felt that big of a connection to them. Oddly now, with nipple-sparing [mastectomies] you look even better. I mean, mine look fake but they look good. I guess talking about it makes it more normal for people who are going under the knife and feel scared. I saw a headline that said I “removed” my breasts which is so strange sounding because I don’t feel like I did. They cut under my cans and scooped it out and put in implants; it’s not like what my grandmother had where they were literally removed.
Having partnered with us to create your home decor collection, what is your most favorite space in your home and why?
The shitter. I know it’s cray, but my powder room makes me happy.
Your collection was created for the house party hostess; what is the biggest Do and Don’t of throwing a shindig in your own space?
I love having parties. I have one every Friday night. I guess the key is if you’re having fun, the guests have fun. I always have tons of yummy food and wine and candles galore and 80s rock or metal playing. I flip through books on entertaining and they don’t feel accessible to me. I just do stuff I like and enjoy the company and togetherness and shit. Having people over is my happy place. I love restaurants too, but I have a fear of group dinners. I feel trapped and always want to leave if it’s more than six people. So I’d rather have a big group at home where I don’t have to worry about when I’ll get home.
Finally, what’s your motto?
Better sorry than safe.

Photography by Pamela Berkovic