A good #WIP is engaging. A great #WIP also educates.

Knowing how to create engagement-worthy work in progress (#wip) content of is the new normal for every artist active on social media. In exchange for following you, give your fans more than enough reasons to come back. Here are five important considerations to making sure you’re creating great work in progress content on any of your social channels.

1. Include yourself and/or creative tools

What’s a good #WIP without a nod the human behind the process? This is the easiest and most effective way to share your process. The inclusion of your hand, tools or complimentary props not only help fans participate in your process, but creates scale for the artwork you’re looking at. So, whether you’re sharing a rough sketch or a near-final piece, make sure to include the tools critical to your creative process.

Chase Tafoya’s Society6 Shop

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Desirae Samantha’s Society6 Shop

Amber Vittoria’s Society6 Shop

2. Educate your fans

While a #WIP should be self-explanatory in the visuals, a great #WIP will also take the opportunity to teach your fans how you do what you do. Even if it’s a very simple piece of info, it goes a long way in building a community around your artwork.

Wendy Ortiz’s Society6 Shop

3. Show the details

It’s cool to see the bigger picture, but the details are where fans get to geek out. Getting up close and personal gives an engaging and free education on how you handle the finer details. Plus, it breaks up the usual #WIP content most people are used.

Just a super short timelapse! ? #sneakpeek #timelapse #drawing #wip #nataliefoss

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Natalie Foss’s Society6 Shop

Kensia’s Society6 Shop

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7115’s Society6 Shop

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Nathan Spoor’s Society6 Shop

4. Share pre-color sketches coming to life with color

Whether you share a timelapse or the coloring process across multiple images, there is something particularly fun about watching artwork brought to life with color.

Marc Allante’s Society6 Shop


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More progress #wip #doubleportrait #blackandwhite

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Sofia Bonati’s Society6 Shop

5. Create consistency in the types of #WIP content you share

Knowing every artist is different, the taste of everyone’s fanbase may vary slightly. So, when you identify a #WIP post that really resonates with your fans, do more of that! You’ll still experiment with other types, but once you’ve struck gold, give your fans what they want. It’s a win-win situation when you get to share your process, increase social engagements, and boost sales all at once.

Cat Coquillette’s Society6 Shop

All in the all, the best thing you can do with work in progress content is make sure your fans feel like they’re a part of your process. Not only are you creating engagement on individual pieces of content, but you’ll encourage engagement on all posts related to that artwork until it’s complete.

Ben Renschen



Formerly: Artist Development Manager at Society6
