An easy way to elevate any bar, table or counter is by bringing a variety of customized bar stools that double as artistic accents.
But given that most bar stools aren’t adjustable, it can be a little tricky to get just the right booty-to-table distance ratio. To avoid an endless shopping game of not knowing what height stool you need, hoping for the best with a purchase and then having to make a disappointing return, it’s well worth the effort upfront to do a bit of measuring. I’m breaking down the absolute easiest way to find out what height barstool you need, and you’ll never have stress again over what height bar stools to order. Farewell, guessing!
Identify Your Pair
Are you planning to use your stools with a bar, kitchen table or counter (and no, I’m not just asking out of aesthetic curiosity)? To uncover your perfect stool height, you have to know the dimensions of what you’re pairing it with for a cozy combo. You’ll want to end up with roughly 9-12” of space between your stool seat and the underside of your countertop to sit comfortably, and I’ve broken down the most common measurement ratios below.
If you’re not sure which type of countertop you’re working with, please do yourself a favor in the long run and get out measuring tape. There’s just no substitute for having a precise measurement!

Stool Heights for a Bar
There’s really no sexy way to lay out a ton of measurements, so I’m just going to be straightforward. If your counter measured between 40-42” high, then congrats; you have what architects would recognize as a true bar. This means you’ll want a bar stool with a height between 28-30.” Not so hard, right?
Stool Heights for a Kitchen Table
Kitchen tables of course tend to be shorter than bars, with most dining tables clocking in between 28-30” high. Following the same math as above, this means you’ll want stools with a height between 17-18.” Voila.
Stool Heights for a Counter
While any countertop that doesn’t fit the classic bar dimensions is technically a counter, the industry standard measurements for the term is considered between 35-36” high. This means that, to sit at your counter with ease, you’ll want a stool between 24-26” tall.

Width Matters, Too
Once you’ve got the stool height you need locked down, stay in your motivated measuring mode and think about width, too! A handy little trick to know how many stools will fit at your bar is to add 5” to your stool’s width, then divide your counter length by that number. By adding those five inches, you guarantee you’ll have some wiggle room between stools and never have to worry about feeling cramped.
Once you’ve gotten through the more tedious measuring, then it’s time to have fun and focus on the purely decorative elements of your stool. From our minimalist and clean stools to more dramatic and patterned ones, you’re bound to find the perfect stools for your space!
Written by Lindsey Rose Black