Help your customers find what they’re probably already looking for.
Society6 collections are one of our tried-and-true ways of sharing and celebrating artwork. Surely you’ve seen our company-wide collections (we’ve got quite a few), but you might not have known that making your own collections is the perfect way to help your customers narrow down their choice from literally millions of designs to the select few that you want to promote. Here, we’re going to explore three different types of collections you can make that will promote your work, give great gifting ideas and boost your overall engagement.
1. Showcase a Series
If you want to share pieces of artwork that would look great together, choosing to create a series collection is a strong solution. For example, if you spend a summer cosplaying as Monet and painting Haystacks at different times during the day (you do you, boo) you might want to have an easy way to group all of those pieces together. If you’re not the kind of artist that typically works in series—that’s totally cool. Try thinking of pieces that you created with similar themes like fruit, or girls or those that fit within similar color palettes.
Bonus Tip: Buying multiple pieces of artwork can be intimidating because it’s often hard to envision what will actually look good side by side on a wall. Series collections solve this problem and encourage your customers to buy more than one piece of your artwork!

2. Mix Up Your Products With A Gift Guide
I mean, ’tis the season—but honestly gift guides are a super helpful sharing tool that you can use all year. This can be a bit of a free-for-all because there are so many different approaches to grouping products together for gifting. I recommend starting with the basics: our go-to at Society6 is always gifts on a budget (bonus points for doing under $25, $50 and $100 respectively), or you can set up a collection of tech or home decor gifts—whatever fits your vibe the best. Beyond the obvious, and if you’re really committed, you could put together guides based on seasonality or zodiac signs, which are always popular. The key in all of this is to pick a theme and stay consistent.
Pro Tip: One of my favorite retail “secrets” is that people (in general) want to be told what to buy. Creating pre-packaged gift collections for your audience makes you like that chill waiter who takes away your decision-anxiety by actually telling you which things on the menu are worth getting. Cool waiters get tips and collections get clicks and I’m honestly really proud of that rhyme.

3. Feature Other Society6 Artists
This might be a little counterintuitive, but hear me out. Creating collections that feature work by your favorite artists is a better way to get paid than you might think. Thanks to our affiliate program you can get a custom link that allows you to get 10% of any sales that are created through that link. I know that seems confusing, but it’s actually pretty straight forward—check out this blog post for a more detailed breakdown. Keeping a running tab on your favorite Society6 artists keeps you engaged with current trends, cool new work AND you can get paid for your good taste.
Pro Tip: What I’m about to say might seem a bit slimy, but when done with the right attitude, I promise it’s not. Sharing and promoting other artists’ work is a great way to get on their radar. Keep in mind that no one owes anyone anything (especially when it comes to social media sharing), but giving a shoutout to artists you respect is almost always a good thing. Creating artwork can be a bit lonely, so letting other artists know that you’re impressed by what they’ve been working on will boost their mood and maybe even get them to check out your work too.

And finally—just a general reminder for all of the collections you create: keep them updated. When you add new artwork, be sure to sprinkle it into older collections and take stock of what you’ve got before any big sale or the holidays. Shopping can be overwhelming, but having collections at the ready will take away some of that strain and hopefully encourage sales!
Artwork by Digital Roughs.