Are you even ready for this retrograde to finally end??? Good news, the end is near and it’s looking like September is going to be a good one! Our celeb tarot reader and resident spirit guide, Angie Banicki lays it all out for you this month, with some extra epic zodiac GIFs by our very own designer, Anthony Troester! Find out what’s in store below!

AQUARIUS (Jan 20 – Feb 18)
Influenced by QUEEN OF SWORDS
Music:Do It Again – Steely Dan
September is your moment of TRUTH Aquarius. Have you been holding back a feeling from yourself or another? Time to pull the mask away and reveal your sincerity and truth. It can feel scary to reveal yourself but you’ll feel your heart protected this month to share what you need to share. I cannot tell you the outcome because it’s up to you to go into this blind – you are taking action for YOU not for the result. In career, you are sharp as a whip now. No need for guidance there except to trust your own gut on how to proceed with business choices. You are killing it! Advice for you this month – if you feel flustered by feelings or just need a quick hit, go pick up a book, think of your question or what’s troubling you and flip to any page and read what’s there. You’ll get a trusty piece of advice to steer you right!

ARIES(Mar 21 – Apr 19)
Influenced by the 9 OF WANDS
Music:Life’s Been Good – Joe Walsh Hard To Say Goodbye – Washed Out
Aries! Your word for September is STRENGTH. September is your prep time. More will make sense in late November, early December. You know what I’m talking about. You already are feeling these changes coming. Right now you are being given more time to strengthen your intuition and your higher perspective vision. You are being given will-power and a grounded attitude. For many of you this could mean an opportunity in another city. It could mean a move to a new home. Just trust you are getting closer to these big changes and there’s no reason to make plans yet. Let life show you the next story when you’ve truly armored and packed your supplies for the journey.

TAURUS (Apr 20 – May 20)
Influenced by the JUSTICE
Music:Get Up – The Blow Super Far – LANY
Taurus! You word for meditation this month: BALANCE. You have one month to get yourself back on balance. You may have to say no to an opportunity because it’s not worth it or perhaps you’ll get a no from someone or something you want. Regardless, this is NOT THE ONE. Remember, right now you are making choices for you that keep life in balance. Time to be honest with yourself, Bull. Time to accept the truth of what you’ve done and what has happened to you. On September 5ths full moon, it is important for you to release anything that is throwing you off balance. Perhaps you meditate on quitting a bad habit or addiction. Or maybe there’s a person who’s been infiltrating too many of your useless thoughts and it’s time for you to release them. You know what you can do to regain balance in your life. DO IT! And maybe get in on that hot yoga class or bar class thats going to really give you that next leg up!

CANCER (June 21 – July 22)
Influenced by ACE OF CUPS
Music: Ladyfingers – Herb Alpert & The Tijuana Brass Fantastic Man – William Onyeabor
Open your heart Cancer. This month is all about expanding your heart. You will fall madly deeply in love – either with the one you’re with all over again OR there will be someone new shown to you. As if sun rays spotlight him or her for you. Most importantly, you’ll fall in love with yourself! Stay in touch with your feminine side in September. Do some feeling activities. Get a massage. Cook for your friends and family. Go get a blow out, just cause. Another great way for you to keep yourself aligned in your side of emotional integrity and feeling is to go take a class. Learn something new you’ve been curious about. Perhaps a class on herbalism? Or maybe a creative writing class? Or go get yoga certified? Anything that stimulates you and taps into your emotions!

GEMINI (May 21- June 20)
Influenced by THE MOON
Music: Little Brother – Ella Vos Fisher Road To Hollywood – The Avett Brothers
Gemini this is your dream month. If in 6 months you could be handed your dream house, dream partner, or dream job – HOW DOES IT LOOK? Think on it. Really picture it. What if I told you, the package will be prepared and delivered in 6 months? Or at the very least the call that it’s on the way! You know you are an achiever and it’s time to go big or go home. Get to dreaming and seeing it for yourself! If it helps you to dip deeper into imagining, try talking to your family about it. You speaking your truth will be heard by the Universe, by God, by higher YOU who is going to start steering you in the right direction.

LEO (July 23 – Aug 22)
Influenced by KING OF SWORDS
Music So Fine – We The Lion (of course Leo the Lion) Painting (Masterpiece) – Lewis Del Mar
Leo, it’s all coming! You have been waiting for this! You are stepping onto your Hollywood Star. You know what this is about for you! You are finally about to get all the credit that’s due! Time to throw yourself in completely to what your passionate about. Use your brilliant thinking and follow your lofty goals. Your mind feels strong and there’s no stopping you from creating that masterpiece. Be a little selfish this month my friend. It’s all about you now! Go listen to the lyrics of Lewis Del Mar’s song above. IF YOU WANT IT YOU CAN HAVE IT!

VIRGO (Aug 23 – Sep 22)
Influenced by ACE OF WANDS
Music: Sway – Chainsmokers Remix – Anna Of The North Sea of Love – Cat Power
Virgo! You are about to start a new project that could be a game changer! This month is full of sparkling creation and enthusiasm. If you’ve been questioning home, no more! You are EXACTLY where you need to be right now! It may involve getting creative with your space but it’s not time to move. Any obstacles that were in your way are starting to burn off. You may even get a job offer. If you have been trying to conceive, you are SO close and very fertile now. My advice for you now is to enjoy this time and working on cooperating with others – this is going to bring you the most fulfillment in this cycle. And tell/show someone you love them in a big way this month. This could be a romantic partner, a family member or your best friend. Share your bountiful energy.

LIBRA (Sept 23 – Oct 22)
Influenced by THE SUN
Music: Come On Home – Lijadu Sisters
Oh Libra! Say yes to life this month! You have enormous wells of positive energy right now! You are attracting everything you could need right now. The sun is about personal love! Love for ALL. All for LOVE. Friends are showing up for you in big ways this month. Accept with graciousness. It feels great to be loved and helped. You have found a new clarity in life. Time to enjoy that, go celebrate. Big advice this month – say yes to all social callings. Get yourself out there, to events, to drinks with friends, to family dinners. And if you’re being called to go see your family back home, get to it! Spend a long weekend with those who know you best.

SCORPIO (Oct 23 – Nov 21)
Influenced by Glory – Jack Wins Remix – Bastille, Jack wins Answer – Phantogram
This is YOUR time Scorpio! Wow you are shining so BRIGHT this month. Emotionally, you are stepping into a next level. Aware that the ego does not create itself alone, magicians open themselves to the magic of life. You are tapped in creatively now and getting all the answers. Use all the tools at your disposal and start building your masterpiece. You are in that perfect place straddling the material and spiritual worlds that allows you to communicate the truth. This is your time to share that gift with the world. Anything you’ve been questioning in regard to that gift, will be very clear to you in September. GET TO IT: gift of the magic! The only other thing coming up for you is one other blessing for you, a house or a container of some kind. Accept!

SAGITTARIUS (Nov 22 – Dec 19)
Music:Money – Anna Of The North Still The Same – Bob Seger
Sag! Why so down? Have you been experiencing a fear of failure in some respect? Take this month to dig deeper. You are exactly where you need to be! TRUST. Time to patiently evaluate the process and PERSEVERE in order for something to develop. Let go of the fear! This month is about SELF LOVE – stop focusing on what hasn’t been working and look at the love and happiness around you. September is the time for big shifts for you. What you are playing with and attempting to create for yourself is going to be magnanimous in April.

CAPRICORN (Dec 20 – Jan 19)
Influenced by KING OF CUPS
Music: Think Before I Talk – Astrid S Dear Life – Beck
PEACE: this is your word for September Cap. You are being shown decisiveness in making choices now. It is okay for you to keep things to yourself this month. You are going inward, going deep to get clear on what you want and need and until you do, it may be necessary to keep some of that to yourself before having the intense conversations. At some point close to end of the month or the first few weeks in October, you will be like an overflowing fountain of emotion and love. So just keep trusting as things are coming up for you these next 3 weeks or so, that you are meant to question and look deeper. The more awareness you have around those feelings, the easier they will flow from you into a beautiful spontaneous expression soon. The feelings represented for another but even more so for who you are meant to be for others in your SOUL PURPOSE!

PISCES (Feb 19 – Mar 20)
Influenced by KNIGHT OF CUPS
Music:Chateau – Angus & Julia Stone You Can’t Control It – Jack Johnson
Pisces! Enjoy your free spirit self this month. Enjoy the passion and emotional desire you feel. Notice when you feel yourself pull back from intimacy or try to force it too quickly. This is an emotionally transformative time for you as we prepare you for deeper involvement. If you’ve been thinking about moving, it may take a little longer than you planned. If your single, perhaps because the next move will be with another. Surround yourself with flowers this month! Go buy your favorite kind or maybe even try something new to appreciate. You’ll experience a newfound joy for the beauty of flowers and plants. And finally spend some time at the ocean if you can. You may find something special there waiting for you.