If you’re lucky enough to have a pool or know someone who does, it is your duty to throw the ultimate pool party. What constitutes a pool “party” you might ask? It’s not a lone pool noodle floating listlessly while you play a playlist from your iphone! You can do better than that! Don’t let your friends down! The ultimate pool party is a combo of fun activities and chill vibes, there is an art to striking that balance. Don’t worry, we’re here to help.
Set the Mood
The first thing you need for a successful pool party is, well, a pool. So, time to hit up that friend of a friend and rekindle your connections with those acquaintances in the ‘burbs. Once you secure a sweet location, set the vibe. There’s no limit on the number of novelty pool floats you can cram into the pool (okay, there is, but go all out. My fave is the pastel clamshell). Lay out some beach chairs and build the ultimate chill zone complete with plenty of places to sit and catch some shade. After all, did it really happen if there weren’t any IG-worthy photo opps?
Keep it Cool
There’s nothing better than cracking open a cold drink (cough, beer) on a hot summer’s day, so be sure to have plenty for the big day. A step above having your guests’ drink of choice on hand? Use our hot new customizable can coolers to a. do just that and b. keep track of who’s sipping what.

Pack It Up
You’re doing yourself a favor if you keep all of your essentials in one place. If you’re like me, once you’re camped out poolside, you’re not returning until the sun goes down (or until you have a sunburn in the shape of what was supposed to be just a very cute cut-out). Save yourself the hassle of ducking back inside for extra sunscreen, your phone charger or a good read — throw all your goods in a tote bag and you’ll be set for the day.
Make Time for Down Time
Fun in the sun is cool and all but sometimes it’s also nice to chill indoors. Like literally. With an AC. It’s July! Pack an extra set of clothes so the party can continue far beyond those blue waters. A fresh T-shirt will have you looking and feeling cool (sorry). But also, aren’t T-shirts all-American or something? A solid choice.
Press Play
Music is the finishing touch– no party is complete without a rad playlist. Yeah, you can easily scroll through Spotify and pick one (put on Drake’s new album and it’ll last the whole party, amirite). But what’s even better is curating a playlist yourself. Break out your (or your dad’s) record collection and play DJ for the day. It’s way more fun and looks cooler than pressing a button.
Photo Opp
Oh yes we’re back on the subject of the photo opp. If you spend some time dressing up the pool, you should do the same for your indoor hangout spot. It’s all about setting the mood for the type of hang you want to have. Deck out your spot with bright throw pillows (read: props) and a rad wall tapestry (read: selfie backdrop), download that ubiquitous Huji Cam app and get to shooting.