Ring in spring with some tarot-inspired tips by our resident horoscope expert Angie Banicki, alongside beautiful zodiac illustrations by CaliDoso.

ARIES (Mar 21 – Apr 19)
Influenced by the QUEEN OF WANDS
Music: End Of Time – Alice Boman, Break A Little – kirstin
Love is rushing towards you like a tidal wave so full of emotion. You are not prepared for it, it will swallow you whole. The cards say to put that aside, know it, and channel all your love into your passion as a leader. You are a brilliant thinker with so much to share with the world and you’ve already created the space for yourself. Get up there and soak it up. Step onto the stage. Get up and shine!

TAURUS (Apr 20 – May 20)
Influenced by the EIGHT OF WANDS
Music: Gold Angel – Minke
Rumi says, footprints lead to the shore of the sea! Beyond that point, no trace remains. The cards show it’s all happening quickly now. Be prepared to let go. Lay it to rest now. Through this ending, this death, this release of what has been, you are being shown the light that you are—heavenly perfection, pure and golden. You know yourself in truth. This imminent ending is bringing new life to you. Embrace all of it—give up to gain.

GEMINI (May 21- June 20)
Influenced by TWO OF SWORDS
Music: Seasons in the Sun – Terry Jacks, Best Days – Lissie
There is a way forward on your life path that needs to be seen and you are ready to see it clearly! Life doesn’t always show us the way we plan to see it. You are being led so all you need to do is simply take the steps forward. Do not try to create or control. Do not run from it. Don’t let others decide for you. This is your path. You have so much love around you supporting this loop of the path. Like trees blowing in the wind, flowers blooming towards you, the path will keep opening and taunting you into what you haven’t been able to see yet. Hint: these changes for you could come in the form of money, people or fascinating projects. Open your eyes.

CANCER (June 21 – July 22)
Influenced by DEATH
Music: To Build A Home – The Cinematic Orchestra, Waiting – Alice Boman
You are being brought a huge gift this month Cancer. You have to give up ALL control—any semblance of planning, creating, or making anything happen. Give up the to-do lists. Forget the financial budgeting now. This month, give it all up. Hear the music, drink the wine, dance! You are a gem and stand strong on your merits. You know you are meant for something bigger than yourself. You KNOW YOUR CALLING. Trust what you know and SURRENDER.

LEO (July 23 – Aug 22)
Influenced by ACE OF CUPS
Music: Poison – Brent Faiyaz, It’s Raining – Inara George
Cosmic Heart. Yours is. Opening larger. Love is like a dream for you this month. Oh Leo, you are getting a bursting heart this month! Career may feel in question – just know that you’re exactly where you’re supposed to be. Let yourself enjoy this magnanimous love. Succumb to all the passion, unconditional affection and exuberant playfulness. This is as big as it gets. NO MATTER HOW OVERWHELMING, DO NOT RUN. Let yourself crack open and feel ALL the feelings.

VIRGO (Aug 23 – Sep 22)
Influenced by FIVE OF CUPS
Music: Blue & Pretty – NIKKI PENNIE
Love, like life, flows through the heart. Feel the thrill of the flow and say nothing.
– Rumi.
Your heart is yearning for more. More love, to find love, to have a more beautiful love. This month will help you refocus that desire. When we search for love of another, we are seeking to match ours, to fill something in our own heart. You are going to find that in an unexpected passion this month. Exciting news JUST FOR YOU. You are being pushed by the divine to give to the greater piece before you can get your own. Accept this gift that will bring your passion into greater purpose.

LIBRA (Sept 23 – Oct 22)
Influenced by THE TOWER
Music: Black Shoe – The Moondoggies, Sunshine – Matt Costa
You are dancing with the divine this month Libra. This can feel intimidating if you get in your head about all that power and attention on one soul. But if you become more like the child who begins dancing without even knowing the steps or what’s in style, you’ll begin to move with the music and feel the joy. Let yourself grow even bigger than you ever thought you might. Be a star in your career. In love, stop questioning it all. Don’t try to figure it all out. Just be. Go and notice your emotions and let them be free. You won’t get all the answers this month.

SCORPIO (Oct 23 – Nov 21)
Influenced by SEVEN OF WANDS
Music: I Can Help – Billy Swan, Mirror In the Bathroom – The English Beat
Oh sweet scorpio, you seem to know—you just know before everyone. You feel things. This can be wonderful and so supportive, BUT it can also become overwhelming when everyone seems to want a piece. You are getting sucked into everyone’s dramas this month. You are being asked to go above and beyond at your job. THIS IS YOUR CHANCE TO CREATE THE BOUNDARIES! Slow it down with loving kindness. Know your limits, you don’t need everyone to love you. You need to give more to you and this month is about learning how to do that better. In love, please do the same. Set some parameters. This doesn’t mean cutting someone out, however, you can release them and trust in the right time they’ll return to you. If partnered, this is the month to have more serious conversations. You’ll be surprised at how much your love grows when you are fully open and honest, even about the things that you might think will hurt another. Spill the beans.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov 22 – Dec 19)
Influenced by TEN OF SWORDS
Music: Nothing to Regret – Robinson
Get rid of the incessant chatter. Let yourself crave silence. Release the tricks of your mind. The past is the past. It’s all about moving forward now. Oh wow, and how you are feeling the magic this month Sag! Your love will feel stronger and better than ever this month. Let that love help you lose your muddy mind senselessness. And voila! By month’s end, I see money coming to you. A deal? A raise? A bonus? Get ready to feel a HUGE SHIFT this month. It’s a game changer. You are ready to move into the next level!

CAPRICORN (Dec 20 – Jan 19)
Influenced by 3 OF SWORDS
Music: Drama (feat. Big Data) – NoMBe, Big Data, Amsterdam – Guster
Love carries us through the impossible and you are just the channel for it Cap. Channel love now. You’ve been feeling as though you’ve been wandering without a goal in sight. It’s felt dark and confusing. This uncertainty has been so hard for you being such a thinking sign. Seek no more. The answers are about to be given! Let life come to you. Go get lost in Amsterdam! Relax. Enjoy. You are letting go of the old. And 2.0 Cap is getting ready to take over! It’s so freakin close, you can taste it.

AQUARIUS (Jan 20 – Feb 18)
Influenced by 2 OF WANDS
Music: Vision – lùisa
Don’t ask the conscious ones about the wine. Behold the glowing effect of it in the eyes of drunks.
– Rumi
Follow your passion now, Aquarius. Does it make sense? Does it fit in the box? Who cares! Do what you love! Follow your heart. What is your vision of the future? Let that be your guiding force, no matter how crazy. Get ready to compromise and to do a lot of hard work for it. Know that the way it’s going to present itself to you will be different than how you pictured it. But that is the magic of life. You are ready. Throw logic out the window and get ridiculous! You are well on your way!

PISCES (Feb 19 – Mar 20)
Influenced by WHEEL OF FORTUNE
Music: Stir Fry – Migos, Say for Certain – Generationals
You have been cleansing. Detoxing. Preparing. Old thoughts, behaviors, patterns are being released sweet Pisces. Let everything release now. If it wants to go, say goodbye. You deserve more. And you need as much room as possible for what’s coming. You are a radiant star and you are meant to shine for your community. You are getting the accolades and respect you deserve now. It’s all happening for you! More love. More passion. More financial security. More of what it is you need to be a fuller you.