Head into November with some horoscope know-how by Hollywood’s top tarot reader Angie Banicki alongside illustrations by cafelab.

ARIES (Mar 21 – Apr 19)
Influenced by the SUN
Music: Love Vibration – Nikki Pennie, Neweye Unfamiliar Ground – Jess Ribeiro
Congratulations Aries! It seems you have completed an important mission. You are a bright light for all of us and you shine so bright, we all want to see more of you. So enjoy this time in the sun! It seems you have some big choices to make this month. Let yourself dream and imagine what would be the most fun and exciting now. Do NOT get caught up in the how, what and when, just think about what would be fun to do. And let others bring you the choices. The imagining part is important though—so promise you won’t just wait for things, instead, go explore in that magical mind of yours. If you are single, conjure up your perfect match, but try not to lock anything in too quickly! If in partnership, fantasize your dream vacation together!
Final Thought: “These are the days that must happen to you.” – Walt Whitman

TAURUS (Apr 20 – May 20)
Influenced by the MOON
Music: Big Boss Man – Live at Fillmore East, New Yor, NY, April 26, 1971 – Grateful Dead Little Things – In the City
Taurus you are feeling your best self this month and the best way forward all month is to wake up every day remembering this best. Your instincts in business are sky high so trust your gut—don’t sign anything major in mercury retrograde—but def follow your intuition forward and keep going. There are some new people, new possibilities and exciting ideas circling you now. If you get a call to fly to SF or NYC on a whim, SAY YES! If you meet someone, perhaps romantically even, and they ask you to go on a trip, just say yes. Obviously, trusting your intuition first and foremost. You also may get some rather special guidance from out of nowhere this month as well. Don’t be scared off by the crazy signs and synchronicities, it could be a relative guiding you from the other side.
Final Thought: “Listen to all, plucking a feather from every passing goose, but, follow no one absolutely.” – Chinese Proverb

GEMINI (May 21- June 20)
Influenced by THE HANGED MAN
Music: R.O.O.T. – WizTheMc Positively Inclined – Wax Tailor, Marina Quaisse, ASM
This month is about changing your mind/way of thinking about something. What situation do you need to observe and completely rework your perception around? The most important cue here is to find the most positive way through your mind. Part of the problem may be that you cannot control the timing of a decision or movement forward. What will help you hold onto hope? Give yourself a personal goal this month. What makes you feel good? Running five times a week? Getting a facial or massage once a week? Anything that can shift your mind out of the stuck or negative is what we want!
Final Thought: “The years wrinkle our skin, but lack of enthusiasm wrinkles our soul.” – Socrates

CANCER (June 21 – July 22)
Influenced by THE CHARIOT
Music: I Don’t Like You – Grace VanderWaal When I’m Gone – Dirty Honey
Get to work this month Cancer. There is so much of it but it’s so damn enjoyable— why not? You are loving everything you are working on now and this month you are seeing how the world is responding to your accomplishments. I see you owning more of your power in decision-making and with others now. That little bit of insecurity you’ve been hiding behind is crumbling so you can step out in full confidence. And this confidence is going to help you know and trust your own inner guidance on the things you may have always questioned in the past. If you can do some work on your solar plexus this month—healing there is emphasized now. Neroli oil is my fav to breathe for this. Also get some dandelions, daffodils, honeysuckle for your room. And drink some ginger tea!
Final Thought: “Avoiding the phrase, ‘I don’t have time…’, will soon help you to realize that you do have the time needed for just about anything you choose to accomplish in life.” – Bo Bennett

LEO (July 23 – Aug 22)
Influenced by NINE OF CUPS
Music: Good Thing (with Kehlani) – Zedd, Kehlani Finally Feel Good – James Arthur
Wow! Leo, this a month dreams are made of. Surprise! It seems something is coming out of nowhere to give you everything you could want and more. And it’s all going to happen so fast it might make your head spin. Your heart is exploding with love. I want to hang out with you this month. Whether this manifests in a new relationship, a dream job, or just the pure joy of life well lived – get ready for it. My advice is just keep going with everything life brings you and thank god every day for what you are being given. Share in the gifts that seem to be pouring in for you. Finally keep yourself as clean and clear as you can so that you can truly bask in these moments!
Final Thought: “All that is gold does not glitter. Not all those who wander are lost; the old that is strong does not wither, deep roots are not reached by the frost.” – J.R.R. Tolkien

VIRGO (Aug 23 – Sep 22)
Influenced by KING OF CUPS
Music: I’m Gonna Stay with My Baby Tonight – George McCrae 10/10 – Rex Orange County
Virgo, it feels like you are finally surrendering this idea that you need to be making something happen. That perfectionist, pushy, meticulous human that you are (who we all love because you are always making it all happen!) is finally letting go and just allowing passion to take over. I think you really need to go listen to this – Greatest City – Poolside. It feels like something is growing inside you – bigger than you ever could have “made happen” in your old way. This new you is creating and bursting through for us all to see. This month feels like the final growing pains of this shift in you! Be kind to yourself this month through those last bits of achey growth!
Final Thought: “Cherish your vision; cherish your ideals; cherish the music that stirs in your heart. The beauty that forms in your mind. The loveliness that drapes your purest thoughts. If you remain true to them, your world will at last be built.” – James Allen

LIBRA (Sept 23 – Oct 22)
Influenced by THE STAR
Music: Why Not? – Boys Noize, Francis and the Lights Walking With A Stranger – Chris Staples
Libra, it seems you have healed some MAJOR stuff from your past. And this month is about showing you how ready you are for more, bigger and better. You are ready to ask the universe for your dream life. Let go of what you know; it is imperative to let go so you have room for what is coming for you. Don’t focus on the loss, focus on what you know you are gaining. I would also be remiss to not tell you to watch yourself and stay true to you. Act fairly even when manipulative influences around you may try to pull you from your integrity. Say yes to meetings and dates and be open to what wants to come to you! If you just stay true, some good things are coming back to you.
Final Thought: “Do you remember the things you were worrying about a year ago? How did they work out? Didn’t you waste a lot of fruitless energy on account of most of them? Didn’t most of them turn out all right after all?” – Dale Carnegie

SCORPIO (Oct 23 – Nov 21)
Influenced by ACE OF SWORDS
Music: Let ‘Em Talk – Rosie and the Riveters Everlong – Foo Fighters
Don’t even think about compromising in your work now Scorpio! You’ve been working hard and you are seeing how fast some things can all click for you this month. Get ready to be taken by storm. You know your worth now and you need not let fears hold you back when the storm hits. To most this would be so easy to accept and own but for some reason in the depths of your soul know how big this change is and seem to be feeling a bit of fear. Let it go. Also it feels important to not let others drag you down. You are such a feeler and there are some potential haters or maybe just a hint of jealousy. (Or maybe this is just your own shadow side luring you into the dark!?) Just keep going! Keep it simple—no struggle here, just stay on your own path. When you thrive, they thrive.
Final Thought: “Go confidently in the directions of your DREAMS! Life the life you’ve imagined. As you SIMPLIFY your life, the laws of the universe will be simpler.” –Henry David Thoreau

SAGITTARIUS (Nov 22 – Dec 19)
Music: Uneventful Days – Beck Knockin’ On Heaven’s Door – Bryan Ferry
It’s not for nothing, Sag. It feels to me someone has been lacking in sensitivity to your basic needs. Sometimes there just needs to be some distance before you assert what you will and won’t accept. This actually feels like an important phase to go through to go deeper in love or stronger in a business partnership. And you are just know enough to see and understand the wrongs and rights of this to help the other see where they have potentially been caught up and have lost sight of your future together. Once you move through this important revelation, you are ready for the next big steps. The foundation has been built stronger so you can now take that career another level or add another level to your family or maybe even home!
Final Thought: “Better to light a candle than to curse the darkness.” – Chinese Proverb

CAPRICORN (Dec 20 – Jan 19)
Influenced by TWO OF CUPS
Music: Hell n Back – Bakar Freestyle – Electric Guest
Cap, the song hell n back feels like where you’ve been, but guess what—this month feels like a huge eye opener. Open your mind and heart to what is trying to find you now. There is a person who is going to swoop in change your life. They are going to see for you what you haven’t been able to find yourself. And if this isn’t a person, it could be your own inner muse that brings you exactly what it seems you’ve been trying to find for AGES now. There is no need to act now. It’s mercury retrograde and almost the end of the year anyway. In relationship, try not to ruffle the feathers too much. Although this doesn’t mean keeping quiet; just be honest and communicate while knowing there is some testing trust in relationships. Focus on finding your calling.
Final Thought: “Serendipity. Look for something, find something else, and realize that what you’ve found is more suited to your needs than what you thought you were looking for.” – Lawrence Block

AQUARIUS (Jan 20 – Feb 18)
Influenced by WHEEL OF FORTUNE
Music: sex money feelings die – slowed version – Lykke Li Tilt-a-Whirl – Alyeska
Lots of destiny at play this month Aquarius. You have a glow bursting out of your heart chakra and it’s pulling in love. If you are single, be open to love. It seems there is someone important coming into your life now. Keep your heart open. This could be a person who is preparing you for the one or it could be your one. Just let them show you their truth and share yours. In career, your vision is manifesting just perfectly now. Keep that heart chakra open for business as well. You know where you want to go and how you’d like to excel in your job. It is coming, but there is no reason to rush and force things now. Plan a fun brainstorming session with a friend and remember everything you love about your work!
Final Thought: “The only truly affluent are those who do not want more than they have.” – Erich Fromm

PISCES (Feb 19 – Mar 20)
Music: Her Love – Alex Ebert Alive And Kicking – Simple Minds
Get ready to be recognized, Pisces. You are being seen now. It will be, of course, when you least expect it to happen so put on your best face and keep plugging along. Just make sure you lift your head up and let us see you. Stop trying to figure it all out and put all this language and force around things behind you. And just let yourself be the magical being that we all know you to be. If you want to focus on something now, you can actually focus on those you love. Give them that extra thought, that extra love. Give to them knowing that will be the thing that expands the recognition from others.
Final Thought: “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” – Maya Angelou