Our mega-versatile wall tapestry just found it’s new life’s purpose: a perfect photo backdrop.
From floral to striped, festive to retro, wall tapestries are the best way to transform any selfie, whether you’re hosting a party or needing a quick IG refresh. We asked photographer Ruby June to test drive some of her favorite patterns for us out in the wild. See below!

As greenery starts to become grayery, brownery and barrenery this wall tapestry is like a breath of fresh air. Better yet, a breath of fresh blossoming air- you can practically smell the roses with this guy hanging in the room. The bright flowers are immediately uplifting and a good reminder that spring will one day come again, as hard as it is to imagine through the long winter months ahead. There is a light filled with beautiful flowers at the end of the tunnel.

This is the quintessential “Fall Tapestry.” Sometimes it’s hard getting into the season without taking things to literal i.e.: pumpkins, skeletons etc. You want to be festive, but you don’t want to get anything that is going to be irrelevant after Halloween. This tapestry speaks to the season and has the perfect 70’s vibe to stay relevant all year long.

This semi-realistic butterfly tapestry allows you to live out the fantasy that millions of butterflies are obsessed with you and all trying to land on your finger at once. While sticking with fall tones, these splashes of color really bring movement and life into a room. The perfect way to enjoy the beauty that is a butterfly without the sadness attached to ogling dead ones in display cases. A win-win for everyone involved!

In spite of it’s title, this tapestry feels a lot more fall than spring to me. These flowers are embracing their inescapable withering and really rocking the whole “My leaves are dying and falling off” look. A reminder that there’s beauty in our humanity and the fact that all living things eventually turn to dust.
Wild Flowers

Because if you can’t find fresh wildflowers anymore you might as well take a photo, it’ll last longer! Hang this tapestry and you won’t have to feel bad about all the flowers you’ve picked to bring home and remember forever but ended up loosing. They’re all here! Perfectly arranged and on a baby pink backdrop that makes everything look better. Some bonafide wildlife to get you through the trying times of winter.

But nothing is really impossible. Take a break from studying and staring at your screen and jump into the maze that is this wall tapestry. Get lost in the lines and let it take you back to the last corn maze you ended up having to cheat and cut through the middle to complete. This print fits with every color scheme and is the perfect abstract trail to let your eyes wonder in.
Cider, apple cinnamon doughnuts, Halloween candy, gravy, it’s a near perfect season. Sometimes, though, fall stretches on a little long. You want to escape the start of the clouds and bitter cold… but you want to keep those sweet fall colors and the general autumn vibe. Even the tropics have fall! Why not treat yourself to an early vacation to Hawaii with this one.
Photos by: The Maxwells: Philip & Ruby June