New year, new feature. Each month, we’ll be asking one music-loving artist to create a custom playlist of their favorite songs to jam out to as they create.
First up, we have graphic designer and illustrator, Julia Walck! Check out our music-related chat below and take a peek at her full-length artist feature here. Happy listening!

Introduce yourself and your work!
Hi! I’m Julia. A graphic designer and illustrator based in Los Angeles. I like my music loud and my design louder. From cutting out vintage adverts for collages to sketching with a paint pen for hand drawn typography, I try to infuse as much fun into my designs as I can through conceptual thinking and bright colors.
Could you tell us about the playlist you put together?
It’s a compilation of some of my most listened to songs all in one place! I organized this playlist as if it were a timeline of my process. It starts off with the beginning stages of a design where I’m researching and gathering inspiration. As I get into the groove of a project, things start coming together, ideas form and I’m in the zone. I stay at a steady pace for a bit and, as I get close to wrapping a project up, I slow down, step back and look at the piece from all angles seeing where finishing touches need to be added.
What song or artist do you have on repeat recently?
Spoon and Hot Chip, always.
If your art were a music genre, what would it be?
I think if my art were a music genre it would be indie-electronic. It has a synth-like repetition to it, experiments with new things and just feels fun.
How do you describe your musical taste?
My musical taste is definitely indie/alternative leaning: Indie rock, indietronica, dance-punk, garage rock and alternative rock are my go-to’s.
What part does music play in your creative process?
Just like Photoshop or a paint pen, music is a tool for creating. I can’t design without it.