Start spring off right with our monthly tarot-inspired horoscopes from LA’s top tarot reader Angie Banicki alongside bold illustrations from Cat Willett.

ARIES (Mar 21 – Apr 19)
Influenced by the THE FOOL
Music: Fireball Mail – Earl Scruggs, utopia – Lykke Li, Soul Searchin’ – Horace Silver, Furr – Blitzen Trapper
Keep your heart still and open for miracles, Aries. Real life miracles. You just have to trust your soul and let yourself be led into the adventure of a lifetime. The stillness is an important key; when the material world tempts you with money and security, but in return you’ll have soul crushing boredom and a life not fully utilizing your gifts, it’s okay to pass or pushback for your creative truth. Your soul truth miracle will be the one that seems unbelievably and unquestionably the best thing to happen to you! As if your life up until this point has been preparing you for this. You will be the child tasting ice cream for the first time. Eyes glimmering, soul jumping out of your skin for the reward of such simple joy that you want to share with everyone you’ve ever met. And if you can, try to find those little joys each month. They won’t come from work – they will come from those moments in nature, moments of connection and moments in meditation. Perhaps even moments of giving to another.
FINAL THOUGHT: “We danced too wild, and we sang too long, and we hugged too hard, and we kissed too sweet, and howled just as loud as we wanted to howl, because by now we were all old enough to know that what looks like crazy on an ordinary day looks a lot like love if you catch it in the moonlight.” – Pearl Cleage

TAURUS (Apr 20 – May 20)
Influenced by the PAGE OF PENTACLES
Music: Everything Is Free (feat. Flock of Dimes) – Sylvan Esso, You Wish – Nightmares On Wax, Feels Like a Sunday – Elderbrook, Jive Talkin’ – From “Saturday Night Fever” Soundtrack – Bee Gees
You are the student of life this month, Taurus. What can you try to learn about yourself this month? Stop thinking about all the work you’ve done up until this point. Let that sh*t go. And look ahead to the work you will want to be doing. Do you feel the yearning yet? The yearning to create so deep in you that you wake up every day more ready? You are giving birth to the new you. Some of you may even have the yearning to birth a child. For now, have patience and coddle that little expressive being in your heart. You might want to party with them. You might want to play music with them. You might want to go dancing with them. What will you learn by playing with your heart in this way? Keep remembering you – you are the student soaking up so much knowledge. And the biggest piece of this knowledge is coming from your past, your ancestral wisdom. Watch your dreams like flipping through postcards, seeing moments of your past and maybe even those who have come before you. Wake up each morning with a new question for life to show you an answer or maybe even another question!
FINAL THOUGHT: “When asked, ‘What can I do?’ I’ve found the answer frequently can be found by rearranging the words into the answer, ‘Do what I can.’” – Ten Menten

GEMINI (May 21- June 20)
Influenced by THE HANGED MAN
Music: Struggle – Ringside, Harmony (Axel Thesleff Remix) – CloZee
Surrender. Surrender. Surrender. You might need to remind yourself of this every morning, Gemini. You are in the process of discovering the spiritual warrior within – the warrior, much to your demise, cannot control. She cannot control your feelings. Cannot control the feelings of others. Cannot control the outcomes. The spiritual warrior finds peace and faith on the inside, no matter what is happening around her. This is another level of internal unification for you. You cannot exercise power now. You can only seek harmony. How can you pay more attention to your senses this month? Try a week of really focusing on listening. Listening to those around you, even children might offer some of the wisest, sagest advice to you. Just listen and pay attention. Try a week of tasting – really pay attention to that sense. Try new things and let yourself indulge and appreciate this level of learning through taste. Try a week of seeing. What if you just watched and noticed everything around you? Went out in nature and really saw the trees and the animals with a deep intention to really look into them? What if you looked at your partner and others more deeply? Through these senses, you will find yourself and let go.
FINAL THOUGHT: “You must not ever stop being whimsical, and you must not, ever, give anyone else the responsibility for your life.” – Mary Oliver

CANCER (June 21 – July 22)
Influenced by the NINE OF CUPS
Music: Hot Tears – Leif Vollebekk, L.U.V – Romare
First, I want to acknowledge how GOOD you are. You really know how to live your best life, Cancer. You’ve really found yourself more in these past years. And this month is bringing up a question: What do I do with this danger, this truth I’m feeling, this big question that is haunting me? The answer is to first remind yourself how GOOD you are. This is a moment on the journey. Let your spirit rest and take yourself out of the mind. Your heart is beginning anew, and these problems are preparation for a new path. A major change in your circumstances is likely. Something new is within reach. But do not fear. Do not manipulate your mind around it. Just be ready to receive. Dare to jump into a life with more, more than you have been able to imagine until this point. No doing, just receiving.
FINAL THOUGHT: “Here is my secret. It is very simple: it is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye.” – Antoine de Saint-Exupery

LEO (July 23 – Aug 22)
Influenced by THE STAR
Music: Tomorrow – Shakey Graves, Pony Pressure – Lo Fidelity Allstars
Bright, bright soul, Leo, I don’t know if you know how great you have it now. Life is simple, heaven-like. Without knowing or seeing how or why, your power and attraction is growing exponentially. What can you do with this knowledge? But with great power comes responsibility. So, sure I can tell you to enjoy this light time, to relax and just slide by feeling great about what is coming. Or instead, maybe try to think about how you might use this power. How might you help spread the star of your light? See how you can be a force for us all. Learn to use your intuitive gifts alertly, compassionately, in all your interactions. This will benefit you most. I will also add, your connection to water now feels magnetic. Can you go to the ocean, to a lake or a river? Spend some time near water to heal any old stuff in order to be ready for the action to come this spring.
FINAL THOUGHT: “Happiness and freedom begin with a clear understanding of one principle: some things are within our control, and some things are not, it is only after you have faced up to this fundamental rule and learned to distinguish between what you can and can’t control that inner tranquility and outer effectiveness become possible.” – Epictetus

VIRGO (Aug 23 – Sep 22)
Influenced by the JUDGMENT
Music: Hope – Arlo Parks, Projection – Mattia Turzo, London Ride – Synapson
Manifestation is the name of your game this month, Virgo! Yes, the hustle is real. Yes, big change is around the corner. But every time you are worried about your partner, or your business partners, or others in your life – every time you wake up from a bad dream that you can’t make the job happen or feel stuck – shift your mind back to hope. It’s all there in your imagination, in your vision boards, in your journals. You are creating this magical new version of you. The humanitarian. The brilliant, best version. How are you going to use this manifesting power this month, Virgo? It’s making me want to scream at you about this power of yours now. Buy the magazines and create your vision board. Call your friends and talk about the dreams that are beginning to happen for you. Write yourself the check you want to receive this year. Finally, have gratitude for all you already have called in!
FINAL THOUGHT: “I’m a great believer in luck, and I find the harder I work the more I have of it.” – Thomas Jefferson

LIBRA (Sept 23 – Oct 22)
Influenced by THE SUN
Music: It’s All Right – Jon Batiste, My Sweet Refuge – Roo Panes, I’ll Be Seeing You – Billie Holiday
Libra, you are on the brink of your destiny now. And for some reason, I feel an almost panic – but the cards show it’s because you are on the edge. You’re living on the edge of your biggest, brightest truth. You are crossing the bridge over a dark chasm into the bliss of your life story. The wholeness of you. So be strong as you feel it all this month. Switch the panic into excitement. Everything within and without is changing. There is nothing to hold onto as your great pioneering spirit wants to leap ahead, free to be the you that you never realized was in there. WHOA! Make sure you are connecting with your crown chakra. Meditate. Sound bath. This will remind you how ready you are. Be bright and free, sweet child! Purple is soothing for you too.
FINAL THOUGHT: “Let everyone sweep in front of his own door, and the whole world will be clear.” – Goethe

SCORPIO (Oct 23 – Nov 21)
Influenced by the TWO OF CUPS
Music: Fruits Of The Spirit – Jay Electronica, Nothing – Edie Brickell & New Bohemians, Gymnopédie No. 3: Lent et grave (arr. for baroque ensemble) – Erik Satie, Lautten Compagney
Where might you lie your head now, Scorpio? Who can hold you on his/her shoulder? Whose hand can you grab to help take you to the next lily pod? Please reach out this month, Scorpio! It’s all cooperation and collaboration. Lean into your partner. Rely on your business partners. This is not the time to go in alone. Let those who love you see you! Remember that independent soul seeker you so love inside? Tell them to open up and share in the soul seeking. It’s more fun when you can share in the goal, share in the rewards, and share in the journey! Hold hands even when it feels weird. Call a friend and open up. Let others see you now, Scorpio. Let them see you in all your fear and joy and weirdness. We want to see you! And don’t be afraid to go somewhere you’ve never gone before. Just GO THERE. Literally and metaphorically.
FINAL THOUGHT: “You’re entirely bonkers. But I’ll tell you a secret. All the best people are.” – Lewis Carroll

SAGITTARIUS (Nov 22 – Dec 19)
Influenced by the ACE OF WANDS
Music: intro – Bee, Aloe Blacc & Cradle, Three Sisters (feat. Tatyana Kalmykova) – Beats Antique, Lose Your Head (CamelPhat Remix) – London Grammar
What are you so afraid of, Sag? We are lighting a fire up your a** this month. This is the liberation phase where we break you from your thought patterns. Can you trust in the process? You’re not supposed to have it all figured out – just let the fire burn in you and set you free! GET LIT. Don’t fight it. Don’t fear it. Just let it burn. Seems we might be burning off some of this uncertainty as well, so again, let your mind burn and be free, free from your a** to your head. Some Kundalini yoga may not be a bad idea. Breathe your way through this. This kind of freedom really opens you for creative insight and new ways forward. When your mind is clear, those ways forward will land. Trust that. For now, yoga, breathe and sage like a mother f*cker. We probably all should be doing this, so don’t be afraid to sage your neighbor as well.
FINAL THOUGHT: “Someday everything will make perfect sense. So, for now, laugh at the confusion, smile through the tears and keep reminding yourself that everything happens for a reason.” – Harriet Morgan

CAPRICORN (Dec 20 – Jan 19)
Influenced by the TEN OF PENTACLES
Music: Colour (Thousand Island Mix feat. Manu Delago) – Pete Josef, Apricots – Bicep
Potential and doubt. Your choice this month is where to focus because it will be easy to do both. You could focus on the doubt. Or you could focus on the brilliant, bright colorful potential. If you can be patient, Capricorn, your life looks pretty perfect from here. Sure, there will be doubt, but you are finding your potential now. My heart is bursting for you. As you feel this potential steering you, let yourself rely on family, on love and on the abundance of everything you already feel around you. You are a unicorn. Let your imagination give you glimpses into the future this month. It is coming for you! You are finally seeing with this newfound perspective. And wow! It is different than you’d imagined! Beautiful. Don’t doubt it. And when you feel your mind start to doubt, relax into patience. There is no rush into your unicorn outfit. Wait for more information to show you.
FINAL THOUGHT: “Change is hard at first, messy in the middle and gorgeous at the end.” – Robin Sharma

AQUARIUS (Jan 20 – Feb 18)
Influenced by the DEATH
Music: I Feel the Earth Move – Carole King, What It Feels Like – Nipsey Hussle & JAY-Z
Sweet Lord/Source/Allah, you are having a release and breakthrough, Aquarius! It’s like an earthquake – the earth is moving you. Your heart is bursting open, and I’m getting chills for you. I don’t think you can stop these feelings if you try, so get ready to just ease into this space that’s filled with so many emotions. I’m gonna say it again: SO MANY EMOTIONS. Find a snuggle buddy. Give lots of hugs to your pets. Every time my daughter feels overwhelmed by emotions, she begs for Bettywhite(our dog). And then she proceeds to rub her face all over Betty’s furry face. And then, she calms and smiles and hugs us. Get yourself a Bettywhite to help with all the beautiful and overwhelming emotions, Aquarius. I cannot wait for you! This feels big. Use this emotion to recognize your truest wishes and act on them!
FINAL THOUGHT: “I urge you to please notice when you are happy, and exclaim or murmur or think at some point, ‘If this isn’t nice, I don’t know what is.’” – Kurt Vonnegut

PISCES (Feb 19 – Mar 20)
Influenced by the SEVEN OF WANDS
Music: Walls – Racoon Racoon, Desert Rose – Sting & Cheb Mami, Changes – Langhorne Slim & The Law
You are on the threshold, Pisces. Thresholds are the invisible moments of intensity that bring about a new sense of self-awareness. Keep moving through this. Keep moving towards that perfect family, that abundance, that life of fulfillment. You’ve got the endurance now to keep it moving. Your sensitive soul can always feel it before it all begins to materialize so just trust that and move through all of it. Don’t identify with the problems in your environment – even if something or someone is making you feel insecure. You know your truth, so stand firm in it now, even when you may feel pushed to falter. This is power, and this power calls in what the seeker in you seeks. Also, can you cloud gaze this month? I see this as the best form of meditation for you. Let the sky reflect your truth back to you!
FINAL THOUGHT: “Be the one who nurtures and builds, be the one who has an understanding and a forgiving heart, one who looks for the best in people. Leave people better than you found them.” – Marvin J. Ashton