Simply stated, Now On View celebrates and showcases the artists of Society6 and their work. Get to know them—and then get lost in their gallery.

Who are you and what do you do? My name is Tyler Spangler and I make art. I started making artwork on friends’ surfboards and band flyers in college then moved on to designing shirts and patterns for surf companies. Currently, I’ve been doing a lot of social media and advertising content for corporate clients. And since 2010, I’ve created over 6,000 personal artworks (which can be found, chronologically, on my website). I’ve always maintained the mantra of ‘make something new everyday.’

Current city: Originally Huntington Beach, then Seattle, now Irvine, California.

Clients: Chanel, Hermès, Nike, Outkast, Penguin, Red Bull, Samsung, Tumblr, Volcom

How did you make these? Photoshop, all the colors. I like to use a lot of colors at the same time. I think it started from an obsession with surf culture, video games, candy, and cartoons as a child. I am still obsessed with most of the same things and I translate that into my work.

Why did you make these? Being a human and being a freelancer is hard. It helps to vent those frustrations. This is my visual diary. In the beginning, I created art after being inspired by punk flyers from the early 80s. Also, while working at a surf shop, I was convinced I could create really awesome designs that were much better than what was currently being sold. It was a bit naive, but I think it was a good motivator to take the jump into being a freelance artist.

What’s been the most challenging part of creating, while life is happening? There will always be something that will distract you from creating. It’s all relative. Some people are distracted by TV, sleeping, whatever. I sometimes think I need an ideal setup and environment to make my art. This isn’t true but it’s an excuse to not do the work. Some of my best work was made in five minutes before I had to rush out of the house to do something.

Social: @tyler_spangler (on Instagram)

"Try Again And Again"

"Unknown Echo"

"Burning Hands"

"Say What You Feel"

"No More Obligations"

"Enter The Void"

"Lollipop Slopes"

"I Have No Idea What I'm Doing"

"Its Cool To Have Feelings"

"Laid Back"

Shop Tyler Spangler Now

Try Again And Again Art Print

by Tyler Spangler


Lollipop Slopes Laptop & iPad Skin

by Tyler Spangler


Laid Back Art Print

by Tyler Spangler


If You Had A Period, I'd Totally Buy You Tampons, Too Stationery Cards

by Tyler Spangler


Danielle Cheesman

Sr. Content Editor
