We’re in the throes of a heat wave here in Los Angeles and there’s only one thing getting us through it: Rosé. All. Day.
Maybe I’m exaggerating (or maybe I’m not), but there’s nothing better than a glass of good old summer water to cool down and get you in the R&R mood. Unless of course, you add some friends and a gorgeous cheese plate into the mix. Lifestyle blogger Caroline Juen of Love and Loathing LA did just that and walked us through her essentials for throwing the ultimate summer get-together, all in the spirit of rosé.
Does anything get you more excited for summer, the weekend – or in this case, a summer soiree – quite like the statement “rosé all day”? Whether you’re by a pool, out to dinner, or at a cocktail party, something about a delicious and refreshing glass of pink wine just seems to say, “let’s have a good time.”
Good times (for me, anyway) usually involve hosting friends. I absolutely love getting people together and I love creating a warm and inviting space for everyone to enjoy cocktails and conversation.
So, that is exactly what I decided to do with a Rosé All Day themed gathering. Talk about a great way to host your friends without having to commit to a potentially complicated sit-down meal. And lets be honest here – it’s a whole lot more fun than your traditional “cocktail party.” Did I mention this is easily done in any space, and easily executable with with minimal budget?
Here’s what you’ll need:

Rosé (It is a Rosé All Day party after all!)
If you’re a wine lover like myself, this is the perfect way to try out some new, pink selections. Rosé is such a universally loved varietal, so have fun with it. If being responsible for purchasing all of the wine is not within your budget, set a price point for everyone attending ($15 – $20 I’d suggest) and have each guest bring a bottle. In my experience my friends love to have something to bring, so why not make it a bottle of rosé!

Snacks // Cheese & Charcuterie
If you’re serving alcohol you should definitely offer a meal or snacks, and in this case nothing goes better with a glass of rosé than a little cheese and charcuterie. I personally went the route of outsourcing my cheese and charcuterie platters via one of my favorite local LA vendors called Lady & Larder. But when I am left to my own devices I usually head to Trader Joes (or any local grocer really) and pick out 3-4 cheeses with 1-2 different types of charcuterie, then I’ll buy some mixed nuts, grapes, berries and voila – a cheese and charcuterie plate. Perhaps not as Pinterest worthy as a Lady & Larder platter, but tasty all the same.

I went to my local Flower Mart in Downtown Los Angeles and picked up as many pink hued flowers as I could within my budget – and fortunately your dollar goes a lot further at the Flower Mart. I bought pink hydrangeas, dahlias, snapdragons, and of course roses to help me stay within my “rosé” theme. Trader Joes, Costco, and your local grocery store should have some great affordable options as well if you don’t have access to a Flower Mart. Even if it’s one bouquet or arrangement to put on the table, trust me it’s a sweet and simple touch to tie in to your theme.

The Ideal Setup
Anything I can do to make my outdoor space more cozy and inviting I will label as a justifiable investment. As many special touches I can throw in to make a party better, I will. In the case of a Rosé All Day party, these fun pink patterned poufs and colorful couch throw pillows made for great accent pieces. And then of course, simple entertaining staples like the large serving tray, the two cutting boards and geometric coasters tied everything together in terms or serving and table decor.
When I was picking these certain items out I made sure to stay within my theme of pink and green hues and mixed patterns, but I was conscious to invest in items I’d be able to use on a daily basis. In other words not everything has to be pink. And hopefully, it isn’t! The “In Vino Veritas” tapestry was just a really fun bonus – sometimes you just have to go all out and make a statement – and sometimes it wont even cost you that much!

Don’t Overthink It
Don’t over do it. Remember to have fun. When you’re hosting, it’s easy to get stressed or overwhelmed worrying whether or not other people are having a good time. Don’t set yourself up for failure by trying to do too much. I make things easy on myself in simple ways such as asking a friend or two to help me set up, buying pre-made snacks (or making said snacks ahead of time), and using paper plates and plastic cups/utensils for easier clean up. Your friends are there to be with *you* – it’s your party and you deserve to “Rosé All Day” too!

Photos by Christina Chi Craig