I Woke Up Like This examines the morning rituals of creatives; to kick it off, we find out what’s for breakfast at photographers Shawn Hanna and Carly Foulkes’ rustic cabin-esque digs in Los Angeles.
What time do you typically wake up?
We’re usually up around 7:30 ish, just when the sun is pouring in through our East facing window.
What was the last dream you remember?
Carly – Hmmm…. I think I had a dream about Shawn flirting with a friend we shot for a campaign in the Fall. His name was Brett.
Shawn – I had a dream about driving a Cadillac through Cuba somewhere in the near future. I’ve never been to Cuba, so I assume it’s a dream metaphor. The Cadillac’s name was Brett.

What’s the first thing you do when you wake up?
We cuddle our pup Chewy. He jumps up and licks our faces and then runs away. He can’t stay cuddled. He needs prozac. Seriously. But we can’t afford it. His insurance won’t cover it.
Do you have any morning rituals or routines that you have to do everyday?
The average morning routine starts with waking up (usually), making coffee, talking about working out, drinking coffee, emails, maybe doing a push up, cuddling the neurotic dog, then remembered to do whatever was pseudo-planned for the day. And that’s just Carly. During all of this Shawn is still dreaming about the “Cadillac”.
What do you eat for breakfast?
Coffee, bacon and eggs, and good ole fashioned American dreams…we have a ravenous appetite for these things since we don’t have bacon in Canada.
Do you get straight into work or do you ease into it?
Usually straight into it, unless we’re in a hammock somewhere far away from home.
Describe your perfect/ideal morning.
Waking up in a hammock somewhere far away from home.
When is your creative peak?
I think we both agree that you hit a creative high when you’re mind is free to wander.
Carly – for me that’s always and never.
Shawn – for me that would be at about 2am, when everyone you want take take pictures of is asleep.

Photos by: Shawn Hanna and Carly Foulkes