Happy New Year, all! Find out what the cards have in store for you in 2017 with insights from Angie Banicki, Hollywood’s top tarot reader, along with amazing illustrations from Society6 artist Amber Vittoria.

ARIES (Mar 21 – Apr 19)
Influenced by the THE DEVIL
Music: Rio – Hey Marseilles
Aries – you have so much abundance around you. Have you been focusing only on the lack? Stop that shame on you. Now is the time to dispel the negative beliefs you’ve been holding onto. January for you is about reordering your brain to keep seeing everything you have to be grateful for! When you start to feel down, reach out to family and friends to help remind you! They will be there for you now to lift that chin to see higher grounds. Same sex relationships will be beneficial to you this month – they’ll help you understand what you need to overcome relationship obstcles to help you move forward. So if you’re a dude—go bro out in january. Ladies, take some girl time and go for a spa day! And the biggest advice from the cards – pace yourself now. Make longterm goals. You are on your way so now just let it come together!

TAURUS (Apr 20 – May 20)
Influenced by the 6 OF WANDS
Taurus, your career efforts are being noticed now! You may not feel it financially yet but give it time. Just keep your focus and show your teams what you’re made of! You are channeling warrior energy this month. Use it. What weakness have you been allowing to hold you back? You have the power now to turn it into a strength! Did you think that project you abandoned was too difficult to accomplish? Were you too nervous or uncomfortable thinking you wouldn’t succeed? Now is the time to pull it back out and throw down fear and get to it. Embrace your inner warrior and make things happen Taurus. It’s your time!

GEMINI (May 21- June 20)
Gemini, you’re a natural born thinker. And this works great for you most of the time but this month the cards want you to focus on clearing out the thinking and meditate. Try out some new forms in January. You are going to love what you hear when you can shut out all those thoughts. You are getting deeper into who you and what you’re meant to do. This is an exciting time for you if you can shut out the thoughts trying to push you forward and just listen. Listen to your soul. If you can’t get meditation to work or want to try a different tactic, go sign up for a dance class – lose yourself in the movement. By the end of the month, you’ll have a much clearer picture of what you’re supposed to do next. Mercury will be out of retrograde and your mind will have connected all these dots, you forgot were even there!

CANCER (June 21 – July 22)
Influenced by KING OF SWORDS
You are willing to accept whatever the future holds as it is presented, without trying to change the plan of the universe. Capricorn, you will get a glimpse into the future this month and you’ll see very clearly what you want from it. This month you’ll be more sure and decisive about what you want and need from life than ever before. So pay attention to your dreams and listen to your heart this month. You have a very special graceful power as you accept what God is giving you for 2017!

LEO (July 23 – Aug 22)
Leo, this month we are removing your fears so you can accept greatness awaiting you. So this month, I want you to write down a list of your fears. What if I am embarrassed? What if I can’t live up to what everyone expects from me when I get that dream job? What if they laugh at me? What if I can’t perform? Write them all down and release them? Face it and forget about it. Because you are prepping for whats about to be handed to you and we need all that negative out of your head! You are powerful this year Leo! And all you’ve been working towards is coming together. There is also a powerful male figure who is going to be a part of this career shift for you – so be on the lookout!

VIRGO (Aug 23 – Sep 22)
Influenced by 8 OF WANDS
Music: Wooden Chair – Angus Stone
Virgo, January is all about movement for you! Keep it going! Anything that’s felt stopped up, is about to get a push forward this month and you’ll be planning and scheming for big things ahead in 2017. If you have the opportunity to travel, say yes! Are you ready to share plans with mentors, friends, and coworkers. You are almost ready. By the end of the month, you’ll be gaining major traction. Pitches will be ready to go. Systems are in place. Support is on its way! Go with it!

LIBRA (Sept 23 – Oct 22)
Influenced by 3 OF WANDS
Oh libra, get over those negative thinking patterns and January is going to be an exciting month! A surprise on the career front. You are attracting everything you need for your life’s purpose. Go for all of it because the cards show it’s all worth it! You are a shining star in 2017! You don’t even need to leave the house and they’ll find you this month! But def put yourself out there on social media, please! Let yourself be discovered! You are just adored as long as you let it be this month sweet Libra! Be as unique, strange, wonderful, silly, and crazy as you’d like now. You can’t really go wrong this year Libra. Let your heart sing!

SCORPIO (Oct 23 – Nov 21)
Influenced by 6 OF SWORDS
Time to stop being so serious Scorpio. Lighten up and laugh at yourself a little. It’s all a ride. Things might feel a little stalled for you right now so find a way to enjoy it. Take a few road trips, spruce up your house or start looking for a new apartment. You may even see a situation more clearly this month – one where you realize you actually self sabotaged. Learn from it and laugh. Time to move forward. Don’t get stuck in the stuck. You have some good financial news coming around end of month’s end.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov 22 – Dec 19)
Influenced by 7 OF SWORDS
This could portend a time of recognizing the sacredness of every walk of life, no matter how different from your own. Honor another’s pathway even it it brings you sadness. This is a time of reconnection to the meaning of life! Sag, you are in a time of self sacrifice for the greater good now. The great news is you are having a powerful impact upon others, even if they may not see your sacrifice. You can trust now through trust and prayer that in your humble actions, you’ll be rewarded. And with the power you hold behind you, use this to ask for what you’d like returned to you in 2017!

CAPRICORN (Dec 20 – Jan 19)
Embrace the unknown. That’s your message for January, Cappy! You are gaining strength this month and moving through darkness. You’re learning to see past the shadows and into your future! You’re not supposed to figure it out at this time! Instead keep navigating your trail towards what’s next. If you have expectations around what you want to achieve this month, lose them. Now. Throw it out the window. Let go of what you think you want or know because the magician says it’s tricky now—a lot is changing and you MUST embrace the not knowing! Good luck.

AQUARIUS (Jan 20 – Feb 18)
Influenced by DEATH
Until you reach your goal, know the inner power that lives in your soul. Aquarius, this is the time to stand up for what you know is right. This is not a time to be meek. You are being told, it’s okay to channel some of that inner anger and use it for self improvement. Apathy is moving into your past. Find new ways to express what has been bottled within. Stay grounded and controlled and use what you’ve learned in the last year to push back and forward. Learn to say no and stand up for who you and who you want to be! You have it in you!

PISCES (Feb 19 – Mar 20)
You act and react on the behalf of others dear Pisces. You are always aspiring to help those who need it. You are being given a gift for your sharing pisces. So keep it up. I imagine this gift is coming end of month or maybe even to kick off February but it will be worth it! Your gift may come in the form of sweet love! Perhaps a new relationship! Or it may come in the form of a spiritual uplifting! Perhaps for you, it’ll be a new exciting work project. Or maybe a lottery win. Whatever it is, it will be unexpected and yet so deserved so keep up your quality giving work and know you are about to be rewarded!