New year, same you?
We’re all guilty of making some major commitments in January only to realize two weeks in that 1. change is hard and 2. maybe we’re just not cut out for the gym rat lifestyle. And while these short-lived resolutions might not be anything new, they don’t have to be your reality. To help you stick to your goals, blogger Rae Surbaugh outlined a super simple 5-step plan for creating a routine and actually seeing it through. Use this as your guide and you’ll be feeling accomplished AF and like the new you of your dreams in no time.
1. Pair Your Habits
One of the easiest way to incorporate a new habit is to pair it with an already existing habit. Pairing habits makes keeping resolutions easier because rather than creating a whole new routine, you are simply adding to something you do naturally. If you want to read more, this might look like reading a book with your morning cup of coffee.
2. Create a Designated Space
Whether you want to have a mediation routine, write a novel in your spare time, or get better sleep creating a designated space will help support your new routine. When you first start, a new space will bring joy and excitement to the habit you want to create. Over time your mind will get in “the zone” simply by entering the space you’ve created and it can make the task at hand easier and more productive.

3. Schedule Time For Your New Routine
One of the most difficult challenges in developing a new habit is finding the time in your existing schedule. Keep a calendar (digital or physical, doesn’t matter) and schedule in time for the habit you want to develop. Book ahead for any classes or time-specific activities. Be sure to think about all the time you will need to be successful in your new habit. If you want to meal prep every week, you will need time to prep all your food as well as grocery shop-be sure to include both in your calendar.

4. Have an Accountability Partner
When you let someone else know about the changes you want to make they can help you feel more accountable to actually following through. For many people this is crucial to successfully keeping a resolution or creating a new habit. This could look different depending on how much support you need. It might be enough just to tell a partner or close friend about what you are trying to accomplish or you might want to have a weekly check-in. If your accountability partner also wants to create a similar change, working together will keep you both accountable. Think, going to same workout class together if you both want to exercise more. An added bonus to having an accountability partner is when you reach a milestone you know exactly who to celebrate with!

5. Reward Yourself
Starting off strong with your resolution is one thing but many people struggle to maintain their new habit and routines after a few weeks. To stay motivated, plan ahead to reward yourself when you reach a certain accomplishment, like meditating every day for a month. Be sure to reward yourself with something related to the new habit you’re trying to build. So after meditating for a month, a stylish floor pillow might be a good option.