Dads: inventors of such things as dad jokes, dad bods, and well, you! So what to buy the man who wants for nothing this Holiday season? You can’t really go wrong with a techy gift for dad (unless your dad still uses a landline). Or why not celebrate his dorkiness with a quirky gift? Something the pun lover in him will enjoy. Whatever it is, for the love of god, please no more ties. We asked the World’s Least Dorky Dad, Kahana Kalama of Aloha Beach Club to tell us what dads really want for Christmas, while he hangs out with his wife and two kids in beautiful, sunny Palm Springs. I think it’s safe to assume what he doesn’t want is a White Christmas. Aloha!
In all honesty I’m terrible at gifts. My dad can attest to that. And while I’ve commandeered my way through many a Holiday season, there comes a time in life when hand drawn cards, burned CD’s and car wash I.O.U.’s won’t cut it anymore. This past week we shot a few of my favorite dad-gifts from Society6 at our home away from home in Palm Springs @lemondandindigo.

Getting older and adding more humans to the mix makes you really appreciate cleanliness and function. I like things that don’t take up space, things that actually improve your living/work space by simplifying it. I like it when things are effortless to use and wear. And I think most dads out there would agree with me.
When you grow up, you start to realize that kids or not, you’re more like your dad than you ever knew. You’re both adult humans who probably like a lot of the same stuff! I try to get my dad the gifts that I know I would appreciate, things that are practical, yet full of personality.
You might think it’s boring to get your dad something like a pillow or a laptop case, but the old adage is true, if it’s from you, he’s gonna love it. Trust your instincts! And S6 is great because you can find a present that you know he’ll use, in a design that no one else will have.

Shop the Rad Dad collection here!
Photos by Suzi Jacobs.